Knepp Estate

Retail, Learning and Heritage

The Knepp Estate is renowned for its innovative approach to the rewilding of an historic estate and farmland in West Sussex.

Kaner Olette have been commissioned to develop the ‘public face’ for the Estate at Swallows Farm. This consists of the development of a masterplan for the whole site and repurposing a series of highly degraded existing buildings - including the unlisted historic Sussex Barn.

Key themes to the proposals include widespread ecology enhancements, ‘low tech’ sustainability and a clear progression of spaces and wayfinding across the sloping site with its varying uses.

The scheme include a farmshop, yoga yurts, interpretative displays, café, restaurant, external function space and a future meeting hall. Three themed ecology gardens interface between the central court and the farmland beyond.

  • Completion: 2023
    Location: Shipley, West Sussex
    Context: Open farmland

    Client: The Knepp Estate
    Engineer A: McCarey Simmonds
    Engineer B: Structure Workshop
    Services Engineer: Delta Green
    Planning Consultant: Rural Planning Group
    Construction PM: Dangerfield
    Landscape Architect: Allen Scott

  • “A brilliant re-working of existing agricultural buildings to create a destination stop and café.  Inspired use of materials and reclaimed fixtures and fittings. Wow!

    Knepp Wilding Kitchen and Shop is holistic in its approach with rewilding and biodiversity, the very concept of the Knepp Estate, at the heart of the project.  With clear contrast and sympathy between heritage and new architecture interventions, the project has achieved excellent sustainability credentials from the re-use and up-cycling of materials, to the use of local timber, to the food served in the café being locally produced to reduce food miles.”

    - Sussex Heritage Trust Award Panel


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